Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Montana Hemp
hemp can and will thrive from as far north as Alaska to the southern tip of Florida. â€Å"Estimates of costs and returns for fiber hemp offer what they consider to be a conservative profit per acre of $272.04. This is based on a six-ton-per-acre harvest, the volume now produced per acre in Canada†(1). Some agriculturists believe that land in the United States could produce as much as eight to ten tons per acre resulting in an even higher per acre profit. In addition farmers will not have to use herbicides, fungicides, or pesticides since the plant grows extremely well without them. â€Å"Seventy percent of Montana adults who responded to a December survey said they supported the cultivation of hemp for industrial purposes. At least twenty-nine nations, including Canada, France, England, Germany, Japan, and Australia, allow farmers to cultivate the non-psychoactive crop for its fiber content†(5). Each country uses its hemp industry for various purposes, from research to making raw materials for resale or export. The United States is only allowing the growth of hemp for research at this time while other countries are exporting its product for a healthy profit. â€Å"Hemp can be grown only with permission from the federal Drug Enforcement Administr... Free Essays on Montana Hemp Free Essays on Montana Hemp The Farmers High Hemp is not pot and does not represent hippies and free love. â€Å"Industrial hemp and marijuana are both from the same species, but are distinguished by the level of THC, the substance which causes a high from smoking marijuana. Marijuana contains levels of THC which can be greater than 10 percent, while the level of THC in hemp is less than 1 percent.†(2). â€Å"By definition hemp is an annual plant belonging to the Nettle family. They have green flowers, toothed leaves and a rough, hollow stem†(6). Hemp is native to central and western Asia and is cultivated in both temperate and tropical regions. It thrives best in humid climates having rich soils. In other words hemp can and will thrive from as far north as Alaska to the southern tip of Florida. â€Å"Estimates of costs and returns for fiber hemp offer what they consider to be a conservative profit per acre of $272.04. This is based on a six-ton-per-acre harvest, the volume now produced per acre in Canada†(1). Some agriculturists believe that land in the United States could produce as much as eight to ten tons per acre resulting in an even higher per acre profit. In addition farmers will not have to use herbicides, fungicides, or pesticides since the plant grows extremely well without them. â€Å"Seventy percent of Montana adults who responded to a December survey said they supported the cultivation of hemp for industrial purposes. At least twenty-nine nations, including Canada, France, England, Germany, Japan, and Australia, allow farmers to cultivate the non-psychoactive crop for its fiber content†(5). Each country uses its hemp industry for various purposes, from research to making raw materials for resale or export. The United States is only allowing the growth of hemp for research at this time while other countries are exporting its product for a healthy profit. â€Å"Hemp can be grown only with permission from the federal Drug Enforcement Administr...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Spelling Isnt Magic
Spelling Isnt Magic Spelling Isn’t Magic Spelling Isn’t Magic By Mark Nichol Perhaps no aspect of written language engenders more consternation or trepidation than spelling. There’s even supposedly a clinical term for the fear of misspelling words: ortographobia. (Wait isn’t that spelled wrong?) Unless you were a spelling-bee champion and perhaps in spite of that distinction you might at least occasionally become flustered at the prospect of having to write a word without the confidence that you’ve spelled it correctly. And it’s probably caused you some embarrassment, or at least a pang of self-consciousness: Many poor spellers think they’re less intelligent than spelling whizzes. (That word can be spelled â€Å"wiz,†too; it’s actually a variant of the abridgement of â€Å"wizard.†) Get over it. Spelling skills aren’t highly correlated with intelligence level, and good spellers seem to be born, not made; taking all the spelling tests in the world isn’t likely to place you among those who write without fear of misspelling. And consider these two significant obstacles to orthographical optimization: First, the English language, more than any other, is replete with confusing, counterintuitive, and contradictory spelling rules. Second, spelling by example is increasingly fraught with peril, given the sad decline in care taken in editing books and newspapers (although magazines seem to remain immune to such deterioration in standards) and the preponderance of poor writing on Web sites and in email, chat and texting environments. So, if you’re a poor speller, and you’re up against a native tongue that defies logic and a world in which good writing seems to no longer be highly valued, what do you do? Relax. You have several allies: The dictionary: You could look it up. If I had a dollar for every spelling question I’ve seen in comments on Web sites about writing and editing, I could buy each of the inquirers a pocket dictionary. (Or, better yet, send them a link to www.m-w.com and pocket the cash.) Complication: Neologisms, assuming they survive faddishness to take their place in the lexicon, are years away from inclusion in the next edition. And where do you open a dictionary to if you don’t know the first letter of the word? Also, various dictionaries may differ in preferred spellings. These are minor points, though. Let the dictionary be your friend. Spell-checking programs: Your word-processing program’s built-in schoolmarm will come to your rescue, and you don’t even have to bring it an apple. Complication: Sometimes it’s wrong. Again, this is a petty quibble. Common sense: â€Å"Born,†or â€Å"borne†? (Originating from, or carried by?) â€Å"Affect,†or â€Å"effect†? (To impact or to fake, or to create an impression or influence a result?) â€Å"Ensure,†â€Å"insure, †or â€Å"assure†? (To guarantee, to take precautions, or to convince?) Complication: Common sense sometimes isn’t all that common. And variant meanings can overlap among more than one similar word (as with the â€Å"-sure†words). Finally, this class of words homophones and near homophones constitutes only a fraction of the troublesome words in our language. Ultimately, though, the best defense against the offense of misspelling is to be a stringent scribe: When you review your writing (you do review your writing, don’t you?), assume that it is a capital offense to misspell a word, and act accordingly. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Fly, Flew, (has) FlownFlied?Confusing "Passed" with "Past"How Do You Pronounce "Mozart"?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Pablo Picasso Artworks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Pablo Picasso Artworks - Essay Example The essay "Pablo Picasso Artworks" attempts to portray the reasons Picasso painted and why he changed the movement. He was a Spanish sculptor, stage designer, playwright, printmaker, ceramicist, and painted who lived between 1881 and 1973. He was an influential artist who helped develop and investigate many varieties of styles. ). For instance, he co-founded the Cubist movement in the 20th century. He is recognized with Marcel Duchamp and Henri Matisse as artists who revolutionized printmaking, plastic arts, ceramics, painting, and sculpture. Picasso showed unusual artistic ability from his early years. Through his childhood and adolescence, he painted in a realistic manner. At the beginning of the 20th century, he changed his painting style after experimenting with various theories. Picasso’s work is categorized into movements. There are the expressionism, cubism, and surrealism. Picasso’s expressionism can be further categorized into Blue period, Rose period, and Afri can-influenced period. Cubism is can be classified further into Analytic cubism and Synthetic cubism. There are many differences in the two painting. The differences lie in the painting style used. Picasso used expressionism in the Drunk Woman is Tired, while, in Girl in Chair, he used cubism and surrealism. In the Drunk Woman is Tired, Picasso is expressing his feelings of a real situation. In the painting, a drunken woman is asleep. The woman is emaciated and poor. She has no place to go. Picasso used the painting to express his sympathy to her.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Technical Report about Zigbee Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Technical Report about Zigbee Network - Essay Example Zigbee is a set of specifications that facilitate a low cost, low consumption power, low data transfer load and non-complex wireless mesh network. Zigbee protocol has been standardized by IEEE. In this paper, the basic attributes of Zigbee networks shall be discussed along with the network topologies, applications and components. The protocol shall also be studied with reference to the OSI model to highlight the layers where it is defined. Table of Contents Abstract ii List of Figures iv 1. Introduction 1 2. Background 1 3. Components of Zigbee Networks 3 4. Applications of Zigbee 5 5. Network Topologies of Zigbee Networks 5 6. Zigbee Specifications in OSI Model 7 7. Conclusion 8 References 9 List of Figures Figure 1: Zigbee comparison with other wireless technologies 2 Figure 2: Zigbee network in a smart home 3 Figure 3: Coordinator, Router and end-devices 4 Figure 4: Types of network topologies of Zigbee standard 6 Figure 5: OSI layers comparison with the definition of Zigbee in th e model 7 Zigbee Networks and Specifications 1. Introduction Technology has intervened to an extensive degree in the lives of humans. The intervention has made man rely on technology for his business, as well as domestic needs. The trend of transforming regular houses into smart homes has been a field of interest for researchers around the world. Gohn (2007) stated that the advancement in the domain of wireless networking and information technology has made an age-old dream come true of automating one’s house with a centralized source of control. The innovative technology that is responsible for leaping wireless technology to another level of automation is known as Zigbee. The report focuses on the components and network topologies that develop the standard and facilitate communication with devices that are placed within a close range. Section 2 discusses the background and overview of the Zigbee standard. Section 3 includes the components of a Zigbee network while Section 4 discusses the applications of the respective standard. Section 5 includes the network topologies that are followed by the standard and Section 6 defines its placement in the OSI model. 2. Background Several technologies have been developed in the past years that are based on different levels of bandwidth, ranges and degrees of power consumption. Some of the common technologies to provide connectivity with different devices around a smart home have been Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and WiMax. Leopold, Dydensborg and Bonnet (2003) provided the information that bluetooth is considered to be the first technology in the domain of Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) that gained extensive recognition and acceptance. Leopold, Dydensborg and Bonnet (2003) stated that Bluetooth offered omni-directional communication that led to the desire for a smarter technology after some years of its common usage. Stevanovic (2007) provided the information that Zigbee Alliance introduced a new standard with the nam e ‘Zigbee’. Zigbee is a standard which is meant for communication between embedded devices placed in a limited range. It was recognized as a standard under IEEE 802.15.4. Gohn (2007) stated that the main aim behind the standard was to facilitate wireless connectivity between devices such that it would possess the following attributes: Low complexity Low cost Low consumption of power Two-way communication Low load of data transfer Lonn and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Ideal Society Essay Example for Free
The Ideal Society Essay In its altruistic sense, the government acts as an instrument of representation of the people who have formed it and therefore has the responsibility to govern society as an epitome of all wills unified into a single essence. However, a government does not necessarily possess power, since power is mediated or delegated by society itself to a select group of leaders that use such power in order to benefit the community as a whole. Still, in the long run, as society evolves from its crude state where no set of laws and morals govern human condition, the individual learns to commune with the other and learn to harmonize the human condition. From human experience, social laws are formed and these laws become the basis for the formation of a culture. It is through value-ideas and the word culture is in itself a finite segment in which prominent events are included. In a primitive society, man is concerned with the environment and experience around it. From these habits and practices, it becomes a cultural norm that acts as a basis of living. On the other hand, society remains communal in terms of daily activities. These cultural precepts, in the crude sense, act only as guidelines or moral markers for human beings to regulate and base their actions upon. Breaking such norms correspond to specific punishments, depending on the gravity of the crime. These become the basis for the formulation of established laws and norms in society and as it continually evolves into a deeper and larger aspect, more perspectives are taken into account. In a basic precept of society, there are no sets of laws and moral norms to guide human act. Man first establishes a communal society in which everybody benefits from labor produced as a whole. In each communal group, there are no perceptions on race, gender, or color. Rather, the perspective lies on the group itself (tribe). This society lives in harmony with little or no thought in individual freedom. However, as society develops, with the need for private property and division of labor, the human race then adopts institutions of law for the protection of their rights. In addition, man is engaged in frequent competition and also becomes heavily dependent upon fellow men. Their individualistic essence is lost and there is a looming threat on mans freedom. Yet, by abandoning individual claims in order to join together through a generally accepted social agreement or contract, individuals can preserve their individuality and at the same time enjoy their freedom. Individuals submit to the rule of the general willâ€â€the collective agreement which protects individuals from being superseded by the will of others and ensures that this agreement is protected and obeyed because the majority becomes the authors of the law. As the progression of history treads on its usual path, it is inevitable for the human race to stratify and improve its prevalent political and social systems in order to adjust with the demands of industrial and scientific progression. Naturally, the evolution of the human race coincides with the development and diversification of ideas and concepts. Society however, remains on its crudest form, even with the presence of new ideas and perspectives. For individuals basic essence of self-need remains the same and as long as individuals remain such, society can never change. Not every aspect of government is perfect but in essence, the idea remains good and noble. However, once these structures are put into context, there are still some gaping holes with regard its structure. The prevalent government forms are as follows: Democracy, Despotism, Anarchy, Monarchy, Theocracy, and among others. A Monarchical government is one of the oldest forms of societal control through the ruling of the noble elite. However, the evidence through history suggests that the monarchy further instigates social class struggle, oppression, and abuse. Theocracy has the same effect though society is controlled by the religious elite. Anarchy is the complete opposite of the government, basing from the simple precept that humans are motivated by selfish desires and thus no form of government can adhere or address the needs of the many. Democracy is probably the closest form of an ideal government in a given society since its main ideals give emphasis on sovereignty and equality and liberalism. Society is organized through a single, governing body that has the supreme authority to uphold and enforce the laws which society has created. This type of government is separated by three powers that have distinctive qualities in terms of authority, scope and power so as to prevent abuse and dereliction of duty. In terms of individual subjectivity, French political philosopher Jean-Jacques Rosseau in his work The Social Contract discusses the natural inclination of man to develop ‘social contracts’ that represent simultaneously the idea of the whole and individual need: â€Å"Each of us puts his person and all his power in common under the supreme direction of the general will, and in our corporate capacity, we receive each member as an indivisible part of the whole†(Rousseau 2002, p. ). From this premise, societal behaviour naturally acts according to the contribution to the good; that is, the general will acts as the supreme law of the land because of equality it tries to espouse. Like any other government however, we cannot say Democracy is the ideal state of society; rather, it is close to the ideal societal structure because of its advocacies on freedom, equality and liberty. Unlike the authoritarian rules of monarchy, theocracy, plutocracy or any other form of government where authority comes from a single person or single group, these kinds of governments are only applicable to societies in turmoil or chaos. Democracy allows a sense of individual freedom wherein it coincides with the greater good. In order to satisfy the basic human nature of individuality, an ideal government never takes for granted or abuses the individual spirit through constant tyranny and dictatorship. In addition, an ideal government provides stability and organization in a specific society it governs upon; the people itself is the government, and the representatives they elect are servants who fulfil their duties by addressing the needs of the people and country.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
President George W. Bushs Use of Pathos, Logos, and Ethos Essay
Throughout George W. Bush's political career he has implored the use of Aristotle's tripod, which we like to call it. This tripod is a rhetoric which implies that persuasion relies on three things, which are ethos, pathos, and logos. Logos is devoted solely to logic and reason. While on the other hand, pathos deals with attitudes and beliefs. Perhaps the most important one which pertains to George W. Bush is something called ethos, that is to say the branch of the tripod which deals with the personal strengths of the speaker and most importantly his character. Throughout his political journey he has showed the use of pathos, logos, and ethos time and time again, but the one of which he is commonly known for is ethos. The instances in which he has demonstrated them are countless, but I will recall but three. The first event took place on the day of September 14, 2001 at 'Ground Zero', three days after the attack of the World Trade Centers. The third instance was on September 20, 2001 during his Address to a Joint Session of Congress. Lastly, was the State of the Union Address in Washington D.C. Which was held on January 29, 2002. At 'Ground Zero' on September 14, 2001, President George W. Bush did many things to restore the confidence of the rattled and scared population. Unity was a key role in the success of this speech. The whole time that he made his speech his arm was wrapped around a firefighter at the scene which not only showed ethos, but also made them look like good friends and it showed a sense of stability and unity, â€Å"Throughout most of his speech, he kept his arm wrapped around a lead firefighter working at the scene,†(Docan.) In addition, he said how the local area was connected to other people who where hurt ar... ...n D.C. On January 29, 2002, at 'Ground Zero' on September 14, 2001, or at his Address to a Joint Session of Congress he has used many of Aristotle's ideas in order to instill trust and assurance back into his people. Works Cited Bush, George W. George W. Bush State of the Union Address. 29 Jan. 2002. . Bush, George W. President Declares â€Å"Freedom at War with Fear.†Address to a Joint Session of Congress. 20 Sep. 2001. . Docan, Tony. Ethos, Pathos, and Logos Applied: George W. Bush Speaking at 'Ground Zero'. 22 Apr. 2002. . Orren, Gary. Gore vs. Bush Why It's All Greek to Me. 2000. .
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
An analysis of The Flea written by John Donne Essay
The flea, written by John Donne is another poem containing love, sex and religion. One of John Donne’s characteristics is to always include these three main subjects in his poems. The Flea represents lust, but a lust with respect for women. The subject of this poem is about a couple of lovers lying in bed. He wants to take her virginity away from her. In essence, the meaning of this quote: â€Å"And in this flea our two bloods mingled be†means that the flea has bitten both lovers and that their blood is mingled in the flea. The act of having sexual intercourse is considered to be an exchange of bodily fluids, not necessarily being all about love and lust. The lover also feels some kind of jealousy because the flea has already mingled with her before their marriage, and he has not, or in the poem referred to as to befroe â€Å"woo†. The vocabulary used in this poem is quite old, I would say it dates back to the 17th century, it does not contain a lot of complicated words, but the old English used made it necessary to translate the poem in a more contemporary language. Imagery is widely present. â€Å"two blood mingled be†is very clear link to exchanging bodily fluids, the equivalent of having sexual intercourse. Another clear link to the sexual side is â€Å"And pamper’d swells with one blood made of two†The flea symbolizes a different thing every stanza. In the first stanza, the flea represent the two lovers united together in the flea, â€Å"This flea, you and I†is a metaphor simply stating what the greatest part of the poem is about. The flea contains both their blood, and in it, they are together. Then in the second stanza, the flea is not simply them being together, but it means the whole world to them. In the third and last stanza however the flea’s symbol is that of sin and suddenly gets demoted to simply being a flea again. â€Å"And cloister’d in these living walls of jet†immediately cretes an image of a small, dark place, most probably in this case being the inside of the flea. There is quite a lot of repetition in this poem, especially â€Å"Mark but this flea, and mark in this†creates an emphasizing effect and attempts to get the readers attention on the flea. The structure is mostly consistent throughout the whole poem, except for the last 3 lines. The poem is a closed-form poem, and the rhyming pattern is AABBCCDDD. †This, is, thee, be†in the first stanza clearly shows this rhyming pattern is present in the poem. The effect of this rhythm is that makes it easier to remember this poem, as it in some way sounds like a song when the rhythm is followed. The tone in this poem is one of deep intimacy and curiosity, especially in the first stanza; the tone is one of curiosity. He is jealous of the flea that already has mingled their â€Å"bloods†. â€Å"And this, alas! Is more than we would do.†Suggests that the lover finds it a pity that they did not have intercourse yet, but it doesn’t bring him down so to speak. In the second stanza however, the tone changes from curiosity to pity for the flea and is more impassionate, as in the second flea it becomes clear that the woman wants to kill the flea because it has her blood already. The lover presents an argument and tries to seduce her into not killing the flea seeing that she would committing 3 sins as she would be killing â€Å"three sins in killing three†the flea, the lover, and herself. So it also carries some sadness with it. In the third and last stanza the tone is set to a more playful mood again. Sinfulness in this poem is clearly present. To stress the flea’s innocence, â€Å"Wherein could this flea guilty be?†It changes the image of the flea to that of just an insect again, that is not smart enough to realize what it has done. Overall, the tone is a lot like the process of sexual intercourse. It has the foreplay, and then it builds up to the climax and finally relaxes again. The first stanza represents the foreplay, a small thing such as the flea sucking the blood of both, with a sexual connotation â€Å"it suck’d me first, and now sucks thee†is a playful connotation of for example intimate kisses. Then it builds up in intensity as the man attempts to persuade her but fails at protecting the innocent flea’s life; finally the woman kills it, which would be the climax. The final stanza is simply reflecting upon what just happened and the pace slows down again, the r elaxation. To conclude this essay, I believe this poem is about two people who deeply love each other and the lover tries to persuade the woman into losing her virginity to him. This poem is about the intimate relationship, love, and sex and religion. Religion as in the marriage bed and marriage temple and not having sex before â€Å"woo†. It refers to human nature as all of us have the same desire and feelings in us. Most of us will find their true love at some point and experience the mingling of their blood. Not necessarily of course, but I believe that for most of us this is true.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
An Inconvenient Truth vs. the Great Global Warming Swindle Essay
Is our planet headed for irreversible disaster? Every reputable scientist in the world believes it is. Left unchecked, global warming’s negative effects on our natural environment could have catastrophic consequences not only for our planet and wildlife but for mankind as well. What is Global Warming you might question? Well, Global warming is caused when a greenhouse gas known as CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere from by burning fossil fuels and is then trapped causing the global temperature to rise more than normal. Many might be thinking that this is a good thing because then it would be longer summers but it is actually quite frightening. Having our population past 7 billion people today has quite the impact on our planet. Burning fossil fuels such as oil and coal gives us electricity to power our factories and run our vehicles but it does emit tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. Even breathing gives off CO2. There is however a natural cause of this as well. The decaying leaves in autumn or forest fires also give off CO2 just as all living things do when they die. The natural levels of CO2 in our atmosphere in the past 600,000 years have been at a non-harmful level, proven by the ice cores collected from the great ice sheets. The argument that was less convincing was the Inconvenient Truth. Although it does have truths into it about how humans are emitting tons of CO2 into the air but Al Gore’s argument ignores some information. The information that is ignored is the natural causes of carbon dioxide emissions as well as the natural fluctuations in temperature that the planet normally has. Even though the burning of fossil fuels has had a small impact on this situation, there still is scientific evidence that humans are not the only cause of Global Warming. There is also the case that Al Gore forgot to mention and that is the fact that the Earth’s climate is not driven by carbon dioxide, man-made or natural. Having CO2 not be the cause of Global Warming, the cause would have to be solar activity, which regulates cloud formation, and includes solar winds and sun spots. The most concerning part of The Inconvenient Truth is that it uses Al Gore, a recent U.S president as their spokesperson rather than an actual scientist. The reason I believe that Al Gore is used is because he was a country’s leader for a few years so more people would be inclined to believe him rather than the people who were interviewed in The Great Global Warming Swindle. I have found The Great Global Warming Swindle to be more believable because the producers of the film have more resources and data as opposed to The Inconvenient Truth that has just charts. The Great Global Warming Swindle has actual scientists and science professors with information but although they had no data, they seem to be more believable. If Al Gore had actual people come and speak for him that are experts in the field of climatology or otherwise, I would have found his documentary to be more believable. Even though I believe that CO2 is not the cause of Global Warming, it should still be taken into consideration as to how much we put into the atmosphere because it is
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Global Imbalances Informative Essay
Free Global Imbalances Informative Essay Brief by the United Nations University, some countries in the region were undergoing a positive economic advancement. The report reveals that some African countries richly endowed with natural resources were recording unprecedented rates of economic growth as a result a price boom generated by the growing demand for raw material and fossil energy from China and India amongst others (1). However, the report reveals that after the crisis, the price of oil and many other primary commodity items fell sharply, and reverted to tear pre-boom levels. The prices of most mineral ores, in particular, declined considerably in response to the sluggish in international markets (1). The long-term dreams of the resource endowed states of attaining industrial and scientific revolutions based on the exports of raw materials came to an abrupt end. The continent experiences a paradoxical situation of having plenty of resources and being the poorest and least developed continent in the world. The contin ent relies on foreign exchange earnings from the exports of locally produced goods. The foreign exchange rates, which are greatly affected by the economic and financial crisis resulting from the global imbalances, greatly determine what the continent receives in return. Similar scenarios were witnessed in the Latin American countries. Conclusion It is worth noting that most of the developed countries currently exhibit low economic growth rates compared to the developing countries. As Peters, et al (11) observed that many countries including the United States experience negative growth whereas countries like China and India still maintain positive growth in real GDP in 2009. A significant impact that global imbalance has is that it leads to excessive foreign exchange reserve. The question as to why many countries including the developed ones continue to improve on their current account status while the US deteriorates should be the governments main task. On the other hand, what the developing countries need to understand, especially those in Africa and the Latin America, is that they should not continue with their economic dependency principle. The countries have adopted a routine of exporting their products to their former colonial states. Besides, the colonial governments established education systems that could only endow the natives of these countries with limited technical knowledge that could be used to transform the raw products into consumable goods locally thereby calling for export. These systems should be abolished and the governments should embark on inventive and innovative educational systems.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Overview of Federal Elections in Canada
Overview of Federal Elections in Canada Canada is a federal parliamentary democracy within a constitutional monarchy. While the monarch (the head of state) is determined by heredity, Canadians elect members of parliament, and the leader of the party that gets the most seats in parliament becomes prime minister. The prime minister serves as the head of executive power and, therefore, the head of the government. All adult citizens of Canada are eligible to vote but must show positive identification at their polling place. Elections Canada Elections Canada is a nonpartisan agency that is responsible for the conduct of federal elections, by-elections, and referendums. Elections Canada is headed by the chief electoral officer of Canada, who is appointed by a resolution of the House of Commons. When Are Federal Elections Held in Canada? Canadian federal elections are usually held every four years. There is fixed-date legislation on the books that sets a fixed date for federal elections to be held every four years on the first Thursday of October. Exceptions can be made, however, especially if the government loses the confidence of the House of Commons. Citizens have several ways to vote. These include: Vote at the polls on election dayVote at a local advance pollVote at the local Elections Canada officeVote by mail Ridings and Members of Parliament The census determines Canadas electoral districts or ridings. For the 2015 Canadian federal election, the number of ridings increased from 308 to 338. Voters in each riding elect one member of parliament (MP) to send to the House of Commons. The Senate in Canada is not an elected body. Federal Political Parties Canada maintains a registry of political parties. While 24 parties fielded candidates and received votes in the 2015 election, the Canadian elections website listed 16 registered parties in 2017. Each party can nominate one candidate for each riding. Often, representatives of only a handful of federal political parties win seats in the House of Commons. For example, in the 2015 election, only the Conservative Party, the New Democratic Party, the Liberal Party, the Bloc Quà ©bà ©cois, and the Green Party saw candidates elected to the House of Commons. Forming the Government The party that wins the most ridings in a general federal election is asked by the governor-general to form the government. The leader of that party becomes the Prime Minister of Canada. If the party wins more than half the ridings- thats 170 seats in the 2015 election- then it will have a majority government, which makes it much easier to get legislation passed in the House of Commons. If the winning party wins 169 seats or fewer, it will form a minority government. In order to get legislation through the House, a minority government usually has to adjust policies to get enough votes from MPs of other parties. A minority government must constantly work to maintain the confidence of the House of Commons in order to stay in power. The Official Opposition The political party that wins the second-highest number of seats in the House of Commons becomes the Official Opposition.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Inductive Reasoning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Inductive Reasoning - Essay Example Instead, a correct solution is achieved by applying a normatively appropriate rule f inference. Normative systems are often applied to formal reasoning problems in order to define solutions as right or wrong, such that these problems are then construed as tests f correct and fallacious reasoning. Hence, these problems are designed to measure the extent to which participants bring to the laboratory an understanding - and ability to apply - the relative normative principles. In the case f deductive reasoning research, the relevant normative system is formal logic. Participants are given some premises and asked whether a conclusion follows. Under strict deductive reasoning instructions, they are told (a) to assume that the premises are true and (b) to draw or approve only conclusions that necessarily follow. As observed elsewhere (Evans, 2002), this widely used method was developed over 40 years ago when belief in logic as a normative and descriptive system for human reasoning was very much higher than it is today. In spite f the method, much evidence has emerged to support the conclusion that pragmatic factors play a large part in human reasoning. We say "in spite of" because standard deductive instructions aim to suppress precisely those factors that dominate informal reasoning: the introduction f prior belief and the expression f uncertainty in premises and conclusions. In research on statistical inference, a similar story is found. People are asked to make statistical inference on the basis f well-defined problems, in which relevant probabilities or frequency distributions are provided, and their answers are assessed for correctness against the norms provided by the probability calculus. Research in this tradition has been mostly conducted by researchers in the "heuristics and biases" tradition inspired by the work f Danny Kahneman and Amos Tversky (Gilovich, Griffin, & Kahneman, 2002; Kahneman, Slovic, & Tversky, 1982). This results in an arguably negative research strategy that is similar to much work on deductive reasoning. That is, researchers show primarily what people cannot do (conform to the principles f logic or probability theory) and only secondarily address what people actually do. Indeed, one f the most common explanations for why intelligent, educated individuals often fail to reason normatively is that they use informal reasoning processes to solve formal reasoning tasks. For example, notwithstanding instructions to the contrary, reasoners often supplement the information they are provided with background knowledge and beliefs, and make inferences that are consistent with, rather than necessitated by, the premises. If this is the case, it is reasonable to suggest that we study these processes directly, by giving our participants tasks that allow them to express these types f behaviours freely, rather than indirectly, via the observation f poor performance on a formal task. (Vallee-Tournageau 2005) The argument for doing so becomes even more compelling when it is understood that performance on any given reasoning task
Friday, November 1, 2019
Channels for Specific Audinece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Channels for Specific Audinece - Essay Example In addition, 33.1% of all households were composed of individuals living alone, of which 6.2% was someone 65 years of age or older. The average household size in Raleigh was 2.30 persons, and the average family size was 2.97 persons. Raleighs population in 2000 was evenly distributed with 20.9% below the age of 18, 15.9% aged 18 to 24, 36.6% from 25 to 44, and 18.4% from 45 to 64. An estimated 8.3% of the population was 65 years of age or older, and the median age was 31 years. For every 100 females, there were 98.0 males; for every 100 females aged 18 or older, there were 96.6 males aged 18 or older.†(http://www.wikipedia.com). 1. Renters. There are no specific data about the population profile of renters. According to statistics renters have less annual income than home owners. The media chosen for renters are newspapers and more specifically the â€Å" News & Observer†which is the largest daily newspaper of Raleigh, â€Å"Carolina†which is a monthly newspaper distributed for free so it can reach a large audience and â€Å"Triangle Tribune†in order to reach the Afro-American community. The internet will also be used as media channel for renters and more specifically it will be the New Raleigh which focuses on night life, restaurants etc. TV will be also included and more specifically the WUNC-TV because it shows the popular EastEnders comedy on Sunday nights – a day that most people stay at home because Monday is a working day. 2. Women who are owners of small business. The restaurant will use newspapers for reaching this target group and more specifically all the free newspapers like Independent Weekly, Carolina Journal and The Slammer. Free newspapers have the advantage that they are distributed to areas where lots of people gather i.e. subways etc. The Slammer has the advantage that is available at local
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