Thursday, September 3, 2020
Education and Teacher Essay Example for Free
Training and Teacher Essay The word â€Å"teacher†does the calling no administration. An educator is actually a mix of the most significant callings on the planet. Other than the guardians, an instructor is the greatest impact in a child’s life. The age length where youngsters are in school is the most receptive long stretches of their lives. A student’s instructive encounter can form the occasions of their future. That is the reason I need to turn into an educator. I need to be a shape for more youthful ages, and I trust in understudies to recollect a learned and moral educator. Convictions I feel the understudy should come to class ready to learn and the instructor should come prepared to educate! The student’s job is similarly as significant as the instructors; the student’s desires for the educator ought to be for her to educate and assist them with learning consistently. Instructors likewise assume a significant job in the study hall with regards to the earth. On the off chance that the educator readies a warm, glad condition, understudies are bound to be upbeat. A situation set by the instructor can be either positive or negative. In the event that understudies feel the instructor is irate, understudies may respond seriously to that and in this manner learning can be more enthusiastically. I think educators are answerable for the social conduct in their study halls. This conduct is principally an impression of the educators activities and the earth he/she sets. Mysticism We are for the most part here for a reason and I accept that, that is to live for God and follow his lifestyle. It is difficult to tell what you are truly on earth for until you discover it through him! A few instructors will think that its difficult to maintain the attention on the homeroom do to the various outside interruptions in any case, I unequivocally accept that is you were intended to be an educator then you will figure out how to look past the terrible and locate the great. What am I doing here? I think I am here to assist youngsters with following their fantasies and endure school simpler than I. At the point when I become an educator I need to be the best ever! I need to see that favor the kids’ faces after I encourage them something astounding. Progressivism I need to instruct from certain parts of the progressivism style which centers around regard for uniqueness, high respect for science, and gaining as a matter of fact. I need to show the youngsters in my study hall to have regard for one another. This is a quality that will assist them with being effective in the public arena provided that they regard others, at that point others will have regard for them. Having regard for others additionally shows that they have regard for themselves. I additionally need kids to learn by hands-on exercises. I will guide them from venture to step and show how to do each progression in the exercises they perform. These exercises make learning all the more intriguing for the kids on the grounds that the kids can get included rather than just continually viewing the instructor do everything. Discussing the kids getting included, they can truly get included when learning in an alternate environment when on field trips. I feel taking youngsters on field trips is a powerful learning experience for them since it permits kids to escape the study hall setting and gain from an alternate point of view. What's more I need to concentrate on sciences since they are a significant territory in the information on kids. I figure this developing region of our general public ought to be centered around altogether since science propels and improves each day and I feel kids ought to know about their evolving world. Constructivism I feel like this is the primary motivation behind why I should educate and why I need to instruct, I have adapted so a lot however school and it has shaped me to become who I am today. I become familiar with a great deal through understanding and what I realize will make me a superior instructor it will assist me with identifying with the ones that loathe school or the ones that think they can’t do it. It’s every one of the a procedure and the manner in which you make the strides is the manner by which I figure you will show others so you need to assist them with their procedure and ensure that it doesn’t turn sour or off course. I intend to proceed with my training so I may make showing my calling. After graduation, I would like to discover a situation in a primary school instructing in one of the first through 6th grade classes. I feel that basic instruction is critical in light of the fact that it is here that kids build up their establishment for the remainder of the instructive vocation. My objective and wants are to have the chance to contact a child’s life.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Why Did the West Imperialize East Asian Countries Essay Example
For what reason Did the West Imperialize East Asian Countries? Article For what reason Did the West Imperialize East Asian Countries? : A positive or negative impact. Claire Lay East Asian History Rogers 10-1-2012 It was Marco Polos stories of experiencing China just because, and discuss Asian flavors, records of extraordinary crude materials, horticulture, new innovation, and an enormous shopper populace that that initially tempted western standards. Since the late thirteenth and mid fourteenth hundreds of years, ministers have been to and fro through Asia spreading the Christian word; all however it was really was Polo’s terrific stories that spiked westerners’ interests in Asia. As indicated by the word reference colonialism is characterized as, the approach of expanding the standard or authority of a realm or country over remote nations, or of gaining and holding provinces and conditions, however some bug characterize it as an inconsistent and conceivable an undesirable dominative connection between one country and another. The genuine inquiry is; did colonialism have a positive or negative impact on these East Asian nations? As per our book Westernization got well known and in 1890 Japan, from the style of garments to composing a western style constitution, likewise driving China to do likewise. Dominion, while obtrusive, brought human advancement and monetary abundance to some underdeveloped nations. â€Å"Modern transportation and correspondences advances, for example, the steamship, the railroad, and the message, weave the planet together, more firmly than any other time in recent memory before†[1]Western Imperialism acquainted Asia with new western innovations, methods of reasoning, and business markets. We will compose a custom exposition test on Why Did the West Imperialize East Asian Countries? explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Why Did the West Imperialize East Asian Countries? explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Why Did the West Imperialize East Asian Countries? explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Some could state that at the time most of East Asia was happy to acknowledge the west’s interruption, having an apparently constructive outcome on the territory. Initially Western Imperialism in Asia was expected for building up new provinces, however in time it turned out to be approach to make sure about new advertisement markets for western caused items and crude materials to input to their mechanical industries[2]. â€Å"In eighteenth-century wave of westernization foreshadowed the current wonder of globalization in the late twentieth and mid twenty-first centuries†[3]. By the nineteenth century, there was huge western government all through Asia; this is when westernization and colonialism started to take a negative turn naturally for both Asia and the West. It was the enormous military existences utilized fortify Imperialism all through the world that put money related weight on numerous western countries. The general expense of keeping up a remote military and governments, and the time and cash put into strengthening them, left a money related weight on the West. The Chinese didn't accepting enough western items to balance the progression of salary leaving western markets. The west even put cash into schools and foundations for Asians to learn western information, and it was this slip-up that made it just a short time before these stifled social orders utilized that information to break liberated from western dominion, Some Asian countries created hostile to western/against colonialism slant, in the long run prompting numerous upheavals of conservative and political showdowns, for example, the Opium Wars, household uprisings, right to the 1911 Revolution. In East Asia, the pinnacle time of Westernization really didn't show up until the mid twentieth century, however the profound powers hidden these progressions had encroached much earlier[4]. The biological and political impacts of dominion were distinctive all through the world, and prompted the disturbance and separation of numerous little social orders all through East Asia and the remainder of the world, Europeans fundamentally drew aimless and irrational lines on their frontier maps of East Asia t o set up their own regions, constructed enormous assembling plants, and upset East Asia’s’ normal domains and flawless condition; the customary social orders were supplanted by European specialists, European volunteer army, and financial specialists. From the outset when it happens it might appear to be beneficial outcome, however over the long haul, for instance for this situation it was a negative impact, yet before the finish of the twentieth century the West was left with a huge fiscal deficiency, and East Asia experienced with fundamentally a fascism the West, both were left with a best in class war on their hands. Settlements in East Asia were vigorously misused and were given no rights to do anything, despite the fact that the West gave them present day culture. Provinces inside states would battle since they needed autonomy and have their own administration and rule. There were numerous ethnics bunch that had nationalistic sentiments however couldn't achieve anything and become a free country in light of Imperialism. All in all, there were numerous upsides and downsides of government for both East Asia and the West. As I would like to think both the West and East Asia endured for the most part negative impacts of Westernization and government. Works Cited Michael Schroeder. The Twentieth Century and Beyond: A Global History. McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc. , 2007. Holocombe, Charles. A History of East Asia: From the Origins of Civilization to the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge University Press, 2010. [ 1 ]. Holcombe, A History of East Asia, 191. [ 2 ]. Goff, Moss, Terry, Upshur, the twentieth Century: A Brief Global History, 68. [ 3 ]. Holcombe, A History of East Asia, 191. [ 4 ]. Holcombe, A past filled with East Asia, 191.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Business, society and government Essay
Business, society and government are set in various circumstances relying upon what the contention might be. As per the case â€Å"Dickinson’s needle sticks†, each of the three distinct segments were put in an alternate position where society apparently had no voice or strengthening. The general public for this situation were the medical attendants, patients and any social insurance laborers utilizing Dickinson’s needles. These segments fathomed their contentions through communicating with one another and settle a goals through many negative and positive results which could be moral and exploitative. However, of course, every area take a stab at the situation of intensity. The significant issue for the situation â€Å"Becton Dickinson and needle sticks’ is the brand of syringes medical clinics are utilizing. These syringes had caused a lot of patients, medical attendants and regular folks contaminated with horrendous ailments, for example, Hepatitis B, C and HIV helps. Emergency clinics during the year 1990 was featured as one of the most elevated level of individuals be tainted with maladies from syringes. For this situation, Dickinson’s needle sticks were the motivation to this wellbeing emergency. Dickinson’s needle sticks where known to be the top selling needle sticks in the market focusing on a sensible cost where medical clinics were not hesitant to buy. Through this significant issue from the security of Dickinson’s needle sticks had emerge this issue through the connection between business, society and government. Every division has its own motivation, interests, qualities and philosophies inside this case. From the society’s perspective, it could be seen that their minor job and force inside the needle stick case darken the strengthening to execute the employments of Dickinson’s needles. Every segment expressed and contributed their sentiments to this clashing interest where every area battle for power through moral and dishonest approaches to take care of this issue. The idea of philosophies and approaches originate from the points of view of business, society and government. The connection between these parts influence each other in approaches to ‘impose control over each other’, where each position present the idea of moral difficulties when a contention emerges. For this situation, as indicated by the case â€Å"Becton Dickinson and needle sticks†shows theâ perspective of society where the relationship with business and government underlies the position society has for this situation. In spite of the fact that society supposedly is the minority, however the control of specific philosophies in the public arena advances the acknowledgment of convictions that advantage people with significant influence (University of Western Sydney 2014, p.4) These social orders were known to be the optional partners which incorporate social dissident gatherings and business social gatherings. The optional partners connect with organizations comparable to their inclinations and concerns. Inside the contextual analysis, â€Å"Dickinson’s needle sticks†offices, for example, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) prepared and guided medical attendants through the progression and procedure of utilizing the Dickinson syringes. The general public has chosen to participate and help abstain from expanding the quantity of incidental contamination through the way toward utilizing syringes. In this way having medical attendants being feeling the squeeze inside the wellbeing office, could cause worry in relationship with the usefulness of the Dickinson’s needle process. The moral issues and the repercussions of the needle sticks will at that point be related with the legislature. With these illnesses, individuals, patients and social insurance laborers might endure brutally and lead to conceivable demise; this is known to be a moral situation. Families whom by stand friends and family with infections, could likewise endure melancholy. The general public would address and reflect how this circumstance could have been dodged. For the legislature to assume some liability and the Dickinson’s business admit to their ‘unsafe’ syringes causing maladies would be ethically and morally right. The ethical creative mind of these relatives would comprehend a piece of their grieving and set aside to the clashing issue. According to philosophy hypotheses, traditional progressivism would suit society for the situation ‘Dickinson’s needle sticks’. As indicated by Adam Smith, old style radicalism underscored the worth given to singular opportunity and advanced individual activity and personal responsibility, giving the best utility to society (University of Western Sydney 2014, p.11). Connecting to the case with the traditional radicalism hypothesis, in 1992, a medical attendant, Maryann Rockwood was contaminated with AIDS because of the way toward drawing blood utilizing Dickinson’s needle. Maryann Rockwood had then sued Becton Dickinson for the obliviousness ofâ providing and producing the security syringe in various sizes, which had added to her physical issue. Along these lines with the old style progressivism belief system, this had permit people to have a voice in issues that are associated with business and government. By having Maryann Rockwood propose to this contention, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) had required emergency clinics and centers free hepatitis B antibodies and give wellbeing needle removal boxes, defensive attire, gloves and veil. The administration had interceded and morally explain this for the general public. Along these lines dependent on a social orders perspective, their sociological creative mind comparable to spreading preventable maladies permits the general public to consider the intricacy is calm and is maintained a strategic distance from. Organizations volunteer and partner themselves with good cause and raising money; this is known to be a moral obligation. Government is assume to secure the general public where wellbeing would be named the top need. For the situation â€Å"Dickinson’s needle sticks†negate the activity of the administration not requesting medical clinics and wellbeing laborers to utilize the most secure syringe in the market where it would forestall any ailments. Comprehensive to the business, Dickinson endeavored to showcase a ‘safer’ syringe, yet sadly this didn't meet the legislature and society’s desire. Dickinson had discharged a recently built syringe where there was just one size, which was the 3-cc. Emergency clinics and wellbeing laborers utilize more than one size of syringe, for this situation the most utilized syringe was the 5-cc and 10-cc model. Having Dickinson’s undertaking this, it could again prompt another uprising strife. The sociological creative mind of society would keep on maintaining petitions in deleting hazard that would influence wellbeing. Along these lines, portions of the three divisions have undermined a slight goals alluding back to the contextual investigation, â€Å"Dickinson’s needle sticks†. From a business’ point of view, producing another and more secure model of syringes to diminish the measure of contention from the general public and government. Changing and fabricating another and inventive item could cost the business an enormous entirety of costs. It tends to be said that business endeavored to tackle an issue yet it has not completely fulfilled society in this issue. Government contributed through organizations, for example, the Health and Human Services, the Foodâ and Drug Administration (FDA), the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Economic Cycle Research Institute (ECRI). It tends to be obvious that administration attempted to adjust to the Dickinson’s needle sticks to forestall such ailments by giving appropriate rules. Through the activities of the business and government segment, it very well may be said that it was a moral demonstration to adjust to any present issues. The idea of free enterprise alludes to the significance in considering the ascent of social battles between the individuals who can look for some kind of employment, who look for some kind of employment as long as their work can build capital and the proprietors of the methods for creation (University of Western Sydney 2014, p.5). Unexpectedly, having an expanding number of individuals tainted with sicknesses, an appeal for work inside the wellbeing segment is required. With the presentation of private enterprise, this permitted people an opportunity of business and advantages government to help those in requiring clinical assistance. Expansionism has impacted the legislatures job for the situation â€Å"Dickinson’s needle sticks†, where giving free antibodies and giving human services laborers insurance apparel will profit the general public over the long haul where the danger of getting tainted with a sickness is negligible possibility. Thinking about the decent variety of worldwide business circumstances, the association between business, society and government become progressively accessible in fathoming a clashing issue of intrigue. With the opportunity of voice, because of the presentation of private enterprise from imperialism, society is permitted a type of intensity with regards to conveying fulfillment and advantages, for example, social government assistance framework. In this way, the interrelationship between these parts permit the irreconcilable situation to be settled through ceaseless petitions, discusses and numerous law cases. In view of social orders viewpoint identifying with the issue raised all through the case, â€Å"Dickinson’s needle sticks†, it tends to be said that society apparently was the minority against business and government. It could be seen that society was the longshot against business and government, however society was the fundamental lead in this conflicting case.The society for this situation, were the medical attendants, patients and human services laborers where they were influenced most through this clashing issue. One might say that legislature had the most force by maintaining a strategic distance from the expanding level of individuals being influenced with hostile infections. In relationship to this, business had a deceptive point of view based from the general public, where they could have rapidly stay away from and adjust to the issues being tormented upon society. Henceforth, it would have been a social capable act if the legislature quickly removed this kind of syringe and supplant a safe
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury :: Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451
Fahrenheit 451 Fahrenheit 451 is an indication of caution to the present society to view the issues for a practical arrangement. It was about a general public that disapproved of interest and banned books. The story was for the most part about Guy Montag who consumed books professionally. The mind-set of this story is set with Montag and his better half, Mildred’s, blended relationship. They don’t concur on anything and never impart. They are totally unique in relation to each other in view of the impact of society. Montag was having what he thought to be incredible life, until he met Clarisse McClellan. Clarisse was their seventeen-year-old nearby neighbor who was raised to inquire as to why and how. At the point when she met Montag, she transformed him by making him consider things he never offered idea to. Clarisse inquired as to whether he was genuinely cheerful about his life, and when he considered Clarisse’s question, he understood that he truly wasn’t glad. Montag realized that everything in his life was bogus and that he couldn’t trust anybody, so he attempted to improve his relationship with his significant other. He got keen on books, which made him against the new society. From that point on improving his life was what turned into his first concern. Mildred was an odd lady who was actually â€Å"brainwashed†by society. Mildred had no clue what she would do or why she would do it. She once took such a significant number of resting pills that she nearly passed on, however toward the beginning of the day denied everything that occurred. She was a pill popping, self-destructive upstart who was fixated on material things. Mildred favored the organization of her â€Å"parlor-walls†and shell radios than the organization of Montag. The TV dividers were called â€Å"parlor-walls†and Mildred alluded to the individuals on TV as her â€Å"parlor-family.†She was with them more often than not and had nothing else to do throughout the day. The general public wherein they live in utilized psyche controlling gadgets to order all the residents and Mildred was one of them. This immensy affected Montag and Mildred’s relationship. Montag and Mildred don't have a perfect relationship. Montag felt as though they didn't rest in a similar bed, and on occasion, she appeared to be awkward in his quality. This was clarified when Montag says they resemble â€Å"a winter island isolated by a void sea,†(Page 41.) Montag and Mildred never speak with one another.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Nursing Care Reflexive Practice Personal Statement
Nursing Care Reflexive Practice - Personal Statement Example Now and again we simply need someone to converse with so we can empty what has been annoying us. Once, I have picked up her trust then she can reveal to me progressively close to home things - things that may have an immediate or circuitous connection to what caused or is causing her sickness. Cases of maltreatment in the home, school or work environment has been found because of the occurrence reports, record keeping, and even private diaries of medical attendants. The essential imperative to turn into a partner is to win the patients trust. FHCHS has seen that for a patient to uncover private or humiliating insights concerning their physical or state of mind, they have to initially believe that their attendant will treat them with pride and regard. Knowing my job and what I need to accomplish, I needed to act inside the vague time that I have been given. There is no sureness to what extent Ms. Smith will remain in the emergency clinic so I needed to act right away. The primary assi gnment is to break the ice between us. This end up being very troublesome in view of her lethargy. I attempted to invest more energy in her space to keep an eye on her, fix her sheets, move the shades to permit a fix of daylight in the mornings, on occasion just to state hello! or to inquire as to whether she required anything. I had even gotten into the propensity for passing continuously I began my rounds and even toward the finish of my day of work. I had trusted this would break the ice. However, nothing occurred. I attempted to make an association through the guests that came. In any case, in any event, when she saw that her family and I were in acceptable terms, she despite everything stayed inert. Her family invited my earnestness and guidance. They would even call or pass by throughout my break hours to simply talk. For me, these discussions gave me a more profound comprehension of Jane. I felt diminished to discover from her family members that she was simply held in light of the fact that she was the wary sort and not on the grounds that she was critical of different people. I additionally discovered that we shared certain shared characteristics that I know could be purposes of discussion that can make our kinship work in the event that she just connects. She made the primary move today. Today she grinned as I went into her room. I grinned back and in a split second realized that things would have been extraordinary. As I fixed the fronts of her bed, she asked that I sit close to her. I broke a joke to keep the cheerful environment above water. Maybe she simply needed to state goodbye since the Consultant has given endorsement for her to return home. I was amazed that she out of nowhere opened up. She had begun to let me know of her circumstance at home. However, as abrupt as she began she additionally out of nowhere hushed when the ward nurture requested my help. I pardoned myself for I needed to initially observe to the main job. I attempted to wra p up the sheets in the ward as quick as Possible so I can proceed with my discussion with Jane. I was eager to go see her again trusting that I have at long last picked up her trust. In any case, when I came into the room, she was again held. I attempted to cajole a discussion out of her by again beginning a joke yet she didn't react to that. It shows up I have lost the energy. I lost the chance to be a companion, to be a compatriot and to help her inwardly. I felt so dismal on the grounds that I realize that I could have helped her. My inclination
Sunday, August 16, 2020
2016 Wait List Update - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
2016 Wait List Update - UGA Undergraduate Admissions 2016 Wait List Update We have started offering admission to a small group of students from the Wait List, with a large majority of these being for the Spring 2017 term. Due to the fact that our deposit numbers are at the level that we predicted for Summer/Fall, we are limited in the number of offers we are able to make. We will initially email admitted students and give information about their two-week Commitment Deposit deadline, campus housing, Orientation and other pre-enrollment steps. In addition, the myStatus page will show these decisions, and a decision letter will be mailed shortly after. Over the next few days, we will also email the rest of the wait-listed students to inform them that we cannot offer them admission off the Wait List, and we will then update their Status Check one final time. We will not be calling students about the Wait List, but instead will be using email and the Status Check for details. In reviewing the students who we admitted off the Wait List, there were a variety of individual reasons for the offers that were made. As such, I cannot give an overarching reason for the decisions. We did take into account our earlier reviews of the files, along with a wide range of information that we had on hand. For those many strong students we were not able to admit from the Wait List, we thank you for choosing us as one of the options for your higher education. We wish you the very best of college success. We understand that this is not the news you were hoping for, and we very much appreciate your patience “waiting on the Wait List.†Please remember that there are a number of complex reasons why the University made the final decisions it did, and we respectfully remind all that this blog cannot be used for comments about why you or other individuals did or did not get admitted in the Wait list process. We hope that our quick turn around of the Wait List situation has allowed you and your family to make plans on a much earlier time frame that initially projected.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
China a Cultural Analysis - Free Essay Example
Introduction China is one of the world’s major countries. It’s situated in central and East Asia. It’s known because of its rich population, a rising economic super power and its different style of management. China is a country with golden history. Especially, its Chinese Revolution brought a lot of progress in all its sectors. . World politics is becoming even more dynamic and different blocs are emerging in the world. These blocs are of multiple nature, among them are the countries, which are although included in developing countries, but they are trade winners. Their G. D. P rate is increasing continuously. So is the case with china. China is an emerging nation. Experts say that its GDP rate will cross the GDP rate of America until 2001. With more than 4000 years of history, China has the oldest civilization. In Ancient times, Xia Tribe, establish a state in the area of the Huang He River (Yellow River) basin. The tribesmen, believing that this was the cen ter of the world, called this state the â€Å"Middle Kingdom†and regarded the surrounding areas as peripherals. Thus China has been known by this name even after the 1911 Revolution which abolished the feudal monarchy and gave birth to the Republic of China. Further again in 1949, after a long struggle, the Chinese communist party under the leadership of chairman Mao Zedong led the Chinese people of all nationalities to over throw the rule of imperialism, feudalism, and capitalism, gaining victory for the new democratic revolution and establishing the â€Å"People’s Republic of China†. From then Chinese people took control of their country’s fate and became its masters. For centuries China stood as a leading civilization, outpacing the rest of the world in the arts and sciences, but in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the country was beset by civil unrest, major famines, military defeats, and foreign occupation. After World War II, the Communists under MAO Zedong established an autocratic socialist system that, while ensuring Chinas sovereignty, imposed strict controls over everyday life and cost the lives of tens of millions of people. After 1978, MAOs successor DENG Xiaoping and other leaders focused on market-oriented economic development and by 2000 output had quadrupled. Main Facts about China Official Name | People’s Republic Of China| Capital | Beijing | Area | total: 9,596,961 sq kmland: 9,569,901 sq kmwater: 27,060 sq km| Population | 1,330,141,295 (July 2010 est. ) | Population growth rate| 0. 494% (2010 est. )| Birth Rate | 6. 89 deaths/1,000 population (July 2010 est. ) | Death Rate| 6. 89 deaths/1,000 population (July 2010 est. )| Currency | Chinese Yuan | Religion | Taoism; Confucianism; Buddhism; Christianity; Islam. | Literacy | total population: 90. 9%male: 95. 7%female: 87. 6%| Source: www. cia. gov Economic overview Chinas economy during the past 30 years has changed from a centrally planned system that was largely closed to international trade to a more market-oriented economy that has a rapidly growing private sector and is a major player in the global economy. Reforms started in the late 1970s with the phasing out of collectivized agriculture, and expanded to include the gradual liberalization of prices, fiscal decentralization, increased autonomy for state enterprises, the foundation of a diversified banking system, the development of stock markets, the rapid growth of the non-state sector, and the opening to foreign trade and investment. Now China is characterized as a potential superpower by a number of academics, military analysts, and public policy and economics analysts. It is now the worlds third largest economy, after the United States and Japan. Below is the economic overview of China GDP( Purchasing Power Parity | $8. 789 trillion (2009 est. )| GDP- Real growth rate| 8. 7% (2009 est. )| GDP- Per Capita (PPP)| $6,600 (2009 est. )| GDP- Composition By Sect or| agriculture: 10. 6%industry: 46. 8%services: 42. 6% (2009 est. )| Stock of money | $2. 434 trillion (31 December 2008)| Unemployment rate| 4. 3% (September 2009 est. | Current account balance | $297. 1 billion (2009 est. )| Source: www. cia. gov Culture of China The Culture of China is one of the worlds oldest and most complex cultures. The area in which the culture is dominant covers a large geographical region in eastern Asia with customs and traditions varying greatly between towns, cities and provinces. Chinese culture has several distinct elements. In this report we are going to cover the following elements of Chinese culture. Language Religion Values Customs Language(Verbal)[1] Chinese now has earned itself greater status in the World. About one-fifth of the world’s population, or over one billion people, speak some form of Chinese as their native language. The Chinese language has over 400 dialects in continental China alone. The people of each province have a special dialect, and then the people of each city, town, and village have their own special dialect as well. However the official national spoken language of China (except in Hong Kong and Macau) is Standard Mandarin. Over 90% of Chinese people speak Mandarin, but also may very likely speak another dialect. Standard Mandarin has eight dialects. They are Beijing Mandarin Northeastern Mandarin Ji Lu Mandarin Jiao Liao Mandarin Xhongyuan Mandarin Lan Yan Mandarin Southwesten mandarin Jianghuai Mandarin 1. Source:en. wikipedia. org Chinese spoken language The Sinitic languages, often synonymous with the Chinese languages, are a language family frequently postulated as one of two primary branches of Sino-Tibetan. The Bai language may be Sinitic (classification is difficult); otherwise Sinitic is equivalent to the Chinese languages, and often used in opposition to Chinese dialects to convey the idea that these are distinct languages rather than dialects of a single language. There are Chinese spoken languages and the number of people who are using these languages in speaking. Differences between English and Mandarin language There is a very clear distinction between English and Chinese language. The two languages are of two different language families, English comes from Indo-European and Chinese from Sino-Tibetan, this gives rise to many more differences in mode of expression, grammar, syntax, meaning system. The major differences between Chinese and English are as follows. Point of Differences| Mandarin| English| Phonology| It uses the pitch of a phoneme sound to distinguish word meaning. In English, changes in pitch are used to emphasize or express emotion, not to give a different word meaning to the sound. | Alphabet| Chinese does not have an alphabet but uses a logographic system for its written language. | There have specific set of alphabets| Tense ; Verbs| Uninflected language and conveys meaning through word order. | English much information i s carried by the use of auxiliaries and by verb inflections: is/are/were. | Articles| Don’t use| Use Articles| Phrasal Verbs| Don’t use | Use Phrasal Verbs e. g. give in, put on etc. | Source: https://esl. fis. edu Language(Non-verbal)[2] Nonverbal language is the process of communication of sending and receiving wordless messages through gestures, posture, touch or by facial expression and eye contact. Every culture has some form of non-verbal language that conveys certain messages to other people which if not understood, can be quite confusing for the people of another culture. Chinese non-verbal form of communication has a few distinguishing signs which are quite shocking for a culture like ours. For example To show curiosity When Chinese people find something is curious, they may glare blankly at it for too long. For mourning In China, people will cry sadly at the funeral rites. According to Chinese culture, people who don’t cry when attending the fune ral are not filial persons. To show anger When people get angry or irritated over someone’s craziness or foolishness they usually make a circular motion near the temple or ear to show that someone is crazy, because to the psychology, crazy man is something wrong with his brain. But in China it is just a gesture of thinking. To point at something Where we use the index finger to point at something. Chinese people use an open palm. It is considered offensive to point a finger at someone in China. . Source: (Cultural differences in Body Language Huan Jianfei) Religion [3] The Peoples Republic of China was established in 1949. Its government is officially atheist, which viewed religion as emblematic of feudalism and foreign colonialism. Religious belief or practice was banned because it was regarded as backward and superstitious by some of the communist leaders, from Vladimir Lenin to Mao Zedong, who had been critical of religious institutions. This policy relaxed considerably i n the late 1970s at the end of the Cultural Revolution and more tolerance of religious expression has been permitted since the 1980s. The 1978 Constitution of the Peoples Republic of China guarantees freedom of religion†. However, the Chinese government has also banned certain new religious movements such as the Falun Gong and Xiantianism in recent times. At present there are five recognized religions by the state, namely Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, and Protestantism. The religious practice called as Confucianism is now regarded as an ethical and philosophical system rather as a religion. Religious Distribution Description 3. Source:https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Religion_in_china, https://www. mf. org/omf/uk/asia/china/about_china/china_profile, https://www. mapsofworld. com/china/china-culture/religion-in-china. html Buddhism is a religion and philosophy encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based on teachings attributed to Siddh artha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha. Buddhism spread from India to China some 2,000 years ago and is the largest organized religion in China since its introduction in 1st Century Confucianism is a Chinese ethical and philosophical system developed from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius. It is a complex system of moral, social, political, philosophical, and quasi-religious thought that has had tremendous influence on the culture and history of East Asia. It might be considered a state religion of some East Asian countries, because of governmental promotion of Confucian philosophies. Taoism (or Daoism) refers to a variety of related philosophical and religious traditions that have influenced Eastern Asia for more than two millennia. The word Tao roughly translates as, path or way (of life). Taoism has a history of over 1,700 years in China. There are numerous Taoist temples and priests in China even now Islam is followed by ten National minorities in Chi na . Islam was introduced in China in the 7th Century and even now there are several mosques in China served by the Imams. Catholicism is the term referring to Christians and churches belonging to the Roman Catholic Church. Catholicism was introduced in the 7th century; it became popular only after the Opium War. There are around 4,600 churches now in China. Protestantism is one of the four major divisions within Christianity. Protestantism gained ground in China with the end of the Opium War and presently there are around 10 million Protestants in China. Values and Beliefs [4] The Chinese people have strong values and beliefs that have been developed for thousands of years. The Chinese are strongly influenced by the Confucian Philosophy. As a result their values and beliefs reflect Confucian beliefs and values. The chief values of Chinese people that can be pointed out are * Moralities: Chinese develop their moralities into several areas: for the nation, for the family, for the friend, for others, and for the society. They have been taught to be loyal to their nation, and even the leader of the nation. * Charity: Chinese believe that all humans are born with kindheartedness, so they treat others peacefully and their ideal society is the world without arguments, fighting, stealing, and robberies. * Ethic of the family: Everybody is raised by the family. The family becomes the center of Chinese peoples life. The influence of the concept is that there are seldom arguments in the family. Children are filial and respect their parents, show love and respect to brothers and sisters. Parents get taken good care by their children when they are old. Veneration for intellectuals: In traditional Chinese social position, the intellectual is always in the highest level, then the farmer, the worker, and the businessman is the lowest. 4. Source: https://cid-b1ed5e535d30c0d7. spaces. live. com/blog/cns! B1ED5E535D30C0D7! 453. entry Chinese business culture and practice The Chinese business practice is vastly different from the Western method that most of us may be used to. Nevertheless, with the reform of Chinese economy in the past 30 years Chinese business practice are now beginning to align with more conventional methods. However, China will always have their own unique business culture and etiquette, given their unique history and background. In this section we are attempting to illustrate the Chinese business culture and practices. This section contains: Geert Hofstede analysis of China, Chinese business customs, management practices, negotiation tactics. Geert Hofstede Analysis of China[5] Geert Hofstede is an influential Dutch organizational sociologist, who studied the interactions between national cultures and organizational cultures. Geert Hofstede found five dimensions upon studying the culture of different societies. Analysis of China by Geert hofstede reveals the following characteristics of Chinese people. Power Distance: This dimension measures how much the less powerful members of institutions and organizations expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. China scores 80 in Power Distance which is very high if compared to other countries of the world. Because of this high score * Decisions are taken mainly by top management. * Decisions taken by top management are readily accepted by employees. * Moving up the corporate ladder becomes very hard. 5. Source: https://www. geert-hofstede. om/hofstede_china. shtml, Cross-cultural challenges when doing business in China by Zhang Zigang Singapore Management Review January 1 2004 Individualism: This dimension measures how much members of the culture define themselves apart from their group memberships. China is low in individualism. Individualism score is only 20. As a result * They follow â€Å"we†concept rather than â€Å"I†concept. * Depend more on groups or institutions to determine what they should do and emphasise loyalty to th e group. * More likely to cooperate with others to avoid risks and reduce responsibilities. Appreciate duty to the group and harmony among its members while pursuing personal goals is viewed rather negatively Masculinity: The value placed on traditionally male or female values and the role differentiation in a society. China scores 66 in Masculinity. This shows there is still differentiation and discrimination between male and female. Uncertainty Avoidance: How much members of a society are anxious about the unknown, and as a consequence, attempt to cope with anxiety by minimizing uncertainty. China is low in uncertainty avoidance. Uncertainty avoidance score is only 30. Therefore- * Managers don’t plan much; when they plan it tends to be much relaxed. * Don’t think much about minute details of the contractual relationship. * More readily accepts change * They prefer more experimental jobs. Long-Term Orientation: A societys time horizon†or the importance atta ched to the future versus the past and present. Chinese people are very long term oriented. Their score in this dimension is 118. * They prefer to know a client well at first then they starts dealing. * Initially focus more effort on building social relations. * Tend to continue relationship with a business partner for a long period of time. Chinese business customs[6] Chinese business customs differ greatly from the west. They have specific decorum for every aspect of business related tasks like greeting, seating, dress code, gift giving, eating etc. Greetings: When greeting each other or meeting acquaintances nodding of the head or shaking hands is acceptable. This applies to greetings between the same sexes and the opposite sexes. A handshake may linger for longer than is normal in Western culture this is a gesture of respect. Dress: Chinese tend to dress formally. Therefore when they say `informal, they expect you to wear a shirt, tie and pants, but never shorts. White is used for funerals it is to be avoided. Red, suggests power, prosperity and authority, and is the preferred color in China. Names: Chinese place the surname (family name) first then the personal name. Women normally keep their own family name. Unless invited to do so use of personal names or nicknames should be avoided. Punctuality: Punctuality is important, as it can be interpreted as a measure of courtesy and professionalism. Gifts: It is appropriate that gifts should be given on the appropriate occasion, such as the farewell banquet or at the conclusion of an important introductory meeting. The gift should be made as a formal presentation to the entire group as a gesture of goodwill and friendship. Extremely valuable gifts shouldn’t be given because; the Chinese may take it with suspicion which can cause undesirable consequences. Additionally, there are certain things that should never be given as gifts. Such as a clock, a handkerchief, an umbrella, or any white flowers . All these objects represent death in the Chinese culture. Business cards: The Chinese are very keen about exchanging business cards. When presenting or receiving a business card, both hands should be used. It is considered rude to write on the business card. It is polite to admire and read what is on the card before putting it away. The business card’s one side should be in English and the other in Chinese. Eating: While eating, the host usually serves food for the guest, introduces the origin of special food and indicates how to eat it. Start eating when the host starts. One may leave food on the plate by making excuses or politely refusing. Drinking: It is customary for guests to drink only when making or receiving toasts. When the Chinese make toasts, both parties are expected to drink. The cup is held in the right hand, and it is polite to place the left hand as if supporting the cup. The first toast is frequently a general one with everyone drinking together, per haps with the arrival of the first dish. After this, it is standard practice for everyone at the table to toast all others. Conversation: Controversial issues like Taiwan, Tibet should be avoided in conversation. Although Japan and China are neighboring countries praising Japan too much in front of Chinese people can make conversation argumentative so this should be avoided as well. Saying ‘No’ is normally regarded as Impolite. So Instead of saying ‘No’ one should respond to Chinese with answers like ‘Inconvenient’ â€Å"Under consideration’ ‘Maybe’ or ‘That might be difficult’ etc. Chinese people also do the same in this case. 6. .Source:https://www. austcham. org/page/china-business/doing-business-in-china/understanding-business-etiquette-in-china/ Differences between business culture of East and West[7] The following table presents some of the differences between how the Chinese and the Western individual s think about culture and values. Cultural Values Expressed| West (America most European countries)| East (The Chinese and Most Asian cultures)| Type of Logic| Linear (More causal relationships and direct associations between A and B)| Spiral (more roundabout and subtle) | Expression of Agreement and Disagreement| More argumentative, willing to express disagreement verbally| More difficult to say no even if one means no, disagreement expressed nonverbally| Communication of Information | More meaning is in the explicit, verbal message. Use of direct language| Meaning is often implied or must be inferred Use of indirect language patterns| Expression of Honesty | More overt, one is more likely to ask the person to speak their mind or get it out on the table | Subtle, nonverbal | Expression of Self | I-oriented | We-oriented| Thinking Orientation | More rule based or based on application of abstract principles such as regulations or laws | Tends to take context and the specifi c situation into account in rule interpretation | The Individual | Has to have rights and greater need for autonomy and individual achievement | Group duty ,preservation of harmony | Nature of the Business Relationship| Less important, tend to substitute relationship for written agreement, superficial, easy to form, not long lasting | Most important business cannot occur until relationship if sound, written agreement secondary to quan xi, hard to form, long lasting| Conflict Resolution | Trial or confrontation, use of lawyers and courts| More mediation though trusted third parties| 7. Source:https://www. legacee. com/Culture/CultureOverview. html Management practice in China[8] Management is a set of activities (Including planning, organizing, leading and controlling) directed at an organization’s resources with the aim of achieving organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner. Chinese management practice is described in brief below. Planning in China Planning or ganization| Long-term orientation. | Decision Making| Centralized decision making by few people. | Level of Involvement? | Involvement of few people at higher level. | Where are decisions initiated? Decisions flow from the top to down| How quickly are decisions made| Slow decision-making : fact implementation of the decision| How quick is the decision implementation| Quick Implementation| Organizing in China Who is responsible for activities? | Collective responsibility and accountability| How clear are the responsibilities| Clear and specific decision responsibility| Structure of organization| Formal organization structure | Nature of Organizational Culture| Well-known common organization culture and Philosophy| Identification with what? | Identification with the company but not so much with profession| Staffing in China When are people hired ? Young people hired out of school, no mobility of people among companies| How much advancement wanted? | Slow promotion through the ranks| L oyalty is to whom? | Loyalty to the company| How is performance evaluation done? | Very infrequent performance evaluation for new employees| What type of results are appraised ? | Appraisal of long-term performance| How are promotion allowed? | Promotion based on multiple criteria| How is training and development done? | Training and development considered a long-term investment| What is the basis of remuneration? | Lifetime employment common in large. | Level of Job security| High| Leading in China How does the leader react? Leader acting as decision-maker and head of the group| What style of management is followed? | Participative style| How do values of individuals function in teams? | Common values facilitating cooperation| How is confrontation done? | Communication primarily top-down. | Nature of communication| Up-bottom communication| 8. Source: www. amcy5. com/projects/marketing/amcy37. htm Controlling in China Who Controls? | Control by superior| What is the focus of control ling? | Control focus on group performance| Is blame fixing done? | Blame fixing is avoided; rather face saving is done. | Use of Quality Circles| Increasing use of quality control circles| Decision making [9] Decision making is vastly different in western and Chinese business cultures * In the West it is seen as positive if you can gather and process information quickly for rapid decision making. * The Chinese prefer instead to deliberate, even on decisions that may seem simple, which can cause decisions to take a long time * It is unlikely you will convert a prospect at the first meeting * Decisions are unlikely to be made during the meetings you attend * Ask for feedback, discuss the issue and explain your thinking to avoid looking as though you have made a snap decision * Being included in the decision-making process is important to the Chinese culture 8. Source: https://www. rsmi. om/attachments/approved/chinese-business-practices etiquette/en/Chinesebusinesspractices_w. pdf Ne gotiation in China [9] Chinese Negotiation practice contains eight elements they are Guanxi (personal connections) Chinese businesspeople prize relationships among friends, relatives, and close associates. Favors are always remembered and returned, though not necessarily right away. Ignoring reciprocity is considered immoral. Zhongjian ren (the intermediary) An intermediary is essential during meetings with strangers. This trusted business associate connects you with his trusted associate, creating a personal link to your target organization or executive. Intermediaries interpret negotiators’ moods, body language, and facial expressions. Theyâ€â€not the negotiatorsâ€â€first raise business issues for discussion, and often settle differences. Shehui dengji (social status) Casualness about social status doesn’t play among people who value obedience and deference to superiors. Sending a low-level representative to a high-level negotiation can kill a deal. Renji hexie (interpersonal harmony) Relationships of equals are cemented through friendships and positive feelings, generated during months of home visits and long dinners. Any attempt to do business without first establishing harmony is rude. Zhengti guannian (holistic thinking) Chinese discuss all issues simultaneously in apparently haphazard orderâ€â€emphasizing the whole package over details. Nothing is settled until everything is. This holistic thinking contrasts with Westerners’ linear approach Westerner’s think sequentially and individualistically, breaking up complex negotiation tasks into a series of smaller issues: price, quantity, warranty, delivery, and so forth. Chinese negotiators tend to talk about those issues all at once, skipping among them, and, from the Western’ point of view, seemingly never settling anything and spawns the greatest tension between negotiating teams. Jiejian (thrift) Chinese bargain intensely over price, padding of fers with room to maneuver and using silence and patience as tactics. They expect both sides to make concessionsâ€â€often after weeks of haggling. 9. Source: The Chinese Negotiation by John L. Graham and N. Mark Lam Harvard Business Review article Mianzi (â€Å"face†or social capital) A broken promise or display of anger or aggression causes mutual loss of faceâ€â€disastrous to any deal. Chiku nailao (endurance, relentlessness) Chinese prize relentless hard work. They prepare diligently for negotiations and expect long bargaining sessions. Demonstrate your endurance by asking many questions, doing your research, and showing patience. Suggestion for negotiating with the Chinese * The Chinese are renowned for being tough negotiators. When negotiating one must show compromise so their negotiators feel they have gained concessions. * Only senior members of the group should speak during Negotiations. * Short, simple, sentences should be used when speaking and jargon an d slang should be avoided. * A great deal of research regarding subject matter should be done prior to meeting. * Use of high pressure tactics should be avoided. * Decisions may take a long time. So one should refrain from mentioning deadlines, be patient, show little emotion and calmly accept that delays will occur. Conclusion China is a country with lots of unique features. It is quite unique in many aspects. It has a very long golden history behind it. The history goes beyond even the birth of Christ. It has a very strong and deep-rooted cultural and historical background. In addition to this the country have a very different life style. Its religions, customs, and its society are much different than the other parts of this world. Apart from its social, historical and traditional aspects China has got a unique way of managing things and doing the business. It has its own set of norms and values that are very much deep rooted in its every day life. The Chinese way of managing t he things have got a deep impact of culture on them. Chinese plan, organize and work in a very different manner. Their way of interacting with each other and their way of evaluating each other is also very much different. Chinese give more importance to known material than the material values as they evaluate and get work from others. Chinese management style is very much different than the rest of management styles in the world. Their management style has different criteria of managing the things, doing the things and evaluating the things. There work pattern and working environment is also much more different than the rest working environments of world. Chinese attitudes and there orientation towards management is very much specific and it has got a different way of achieving results. Chinese are very much conscious about their values and it is very much opposite to the west. Chinese give more importance to norms and values than money. In west money is the god but Chinese wi ll never be ready to sacrifice their any of value, norm or tradition just for the sake of money. The final lesson that we can derive from Chinese is that only continuous hard work in a proper direction will lead to happiness and prosperity. There is no short cut to continuous handwork. Appendix Mao Zedong: A Chinese revolutionary, political theorist and communist leader. He led the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) from its establishment in 1949 until his death in 1976. His theoretical contribution to Marxism-Leninism, military strategies, and his brand of Communist policies are now collectively known as Maoism. Deng Xiaoping: A Chinese politician, statesman, theorist, and diplomat. As leader of the Communist Party of China, Deng was a reformer who led China towards a market economy. Huang He River: The second-longest river in China and the sixth-longest in the world at the estimated length of 5,464 kilometers (3,395 mi). Falun Gong: A system of beliefs and practices founded in Chi na by Li Hongzhi in 1992. Western academics have described Falun Gong as a spiritual movement based on the teachings of its founder. Xiantianism: A religious system that encompasses five religious groups of Chinese origin. They claim to strive for the unification of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. Quality Circles: A volunteer group composed of workers (or even students), usually under the leadership of their supervisor (but they can elect a team leader), who are trained to identify, analyze and solve work-related problems and present their solutions to management in order to improve the performance of the organization, and motivate and enrich the work of employees. Quality circles were first established in Japan in 1962; Kaoru Ishikawa has been credited with their creation. According to Wikipedia there are more than 20 million Quality Circles in China. Case Study-1: Chinese Negotiation Volkswagen (VW), the first overseas carmaker in China, is the only fore ign manufacturer to have been making a profit in China over the past ten years. It all began in October 1984, when VW signed a joint venture agreement with China. One of the country’s first major joint venture agreements, it involved several government authorities, including the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Cooperation (MOFTEC, now MoCom), the State Planning Commission, the State Economic Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Bank of China (BOC), the Municipal Government of Shanghai, and the China National Automobile Industry Corporation (CNAIC). A manufacturing facility was built in Shanghai, and VW’s partners were Shanghai Tractor and Automobile Corporation (STAC), with a twenty-five percent share, as well as the BOC, Shanghai Trust and Consultant Company, and the CNAIC, which together had a twenty-five percent share. VW was approached by the China National Technical Import Corporation in 1977, and in 1978 a Chinese delegation visited VW headquarters in Wolfsb urg, Germany. The first VW delegation went to Beijing in 1979. So there were six years of negotiations, involving at least seven parties on the Chinese side, and major contracts were negotiated, including a joint venture contract, a technology transfer agreement, articles of association, supply agreements, and a planning agreement. According to Heinz Bendlin, one of the original VW negotiators with China, even in the early days the Chinese behaved courteously. He has commented as follows: I learned in China that foreigners tend to have a typical mode of behavior. They want to achieve results quickly, get answers to all their queries, and immediately come up with solutions to problems. But in China one has to be patient and be prepared to spend considerable time solving problems step by step, or ibu ibu, as the Chinese say. Setting deadlines or showing impatience leads to disadvantages in negotiations. The Chinese like to negotiate in rather large groups. Fairly frequently, th ree or four VW people negotiated with ten to twenty Chinese. However, typically only one would speak while the others took notes. They were all very disciplined. There were times when they would cultivate a friendship, seemingly to manipulate situations. Our Chinese partners also frequently asked us to explain matters several times. This was not a sign of insufficient professional knowledge on their part, but just a tactic, as are the meticulously organized extras during negotiations, such as banquets, toasts, and sightseeing. We should listen carefully to the Chinese. Never try to convince them by saying that only your products or plans are outstanding. Instead, explain the facts and figures as often as they require; explain why you believe yours is the best offer; and explain why you are asking for certain payments. Do not show that opinions are divided on a given topic within your team, and avoid discussions in front of them. They cannot understand such behavior and will inter pret this as a sign that you lack clarity about your concept. Source: https://www. negotiations. com/case/well-managed-negotiations/ Case Study-2: Chinese Culture (Guanxiâ€â€Ties That Bind) In 1992, McDonald’s Corporation opened its first restaurant in Beijing, China, after a decade of market research. The restaurant, then the largest McDonald’s in the world, was located on the corner of Wangfujing Street and the Avenue of Eternal Peace, just two blocks from Tiananmen Square, the very heart of China’s capital. The choice of location seemed auspicious, and within two years, sales at the restaurant were surpassing all expectations. Then the Beijing city government dropped a bombshell; officials abruptly informed McDonald’s that it would have to vacate the location to make way for a commercial, residential, and office complex planned by Hong Kong developer Li Ka-shing. At the time, Mc-Donald’s still had 18 years to run on its 20 year lease. A stunned McDonald’s did what any good Western company would doâ€â€it took the Beijing city government to court to try to enforce the lease. The court refused to enforce the lease, and McDonald’s had to move. Chinese observers had a simple explanation for the outcome. McDonald’s, they said, lacked the guanxi of Li Ka-shing. Given this, the company could not expect to prevail. Company executives should have accepted the decision in good grace and moved on, but instead, McDonald’s filed a lawsuitâ€â€a move that would only reduce what guanxi McDonald’s might have with the city government! This example illustrates a basic difference between doing business in the West and doing business in China. In the advanced economies of the West, business transactions are conducted and regulated by the centuries-old framework of contract law, which specifies the rights and obligations of parties to a business contract and provides mechanisms for seeking to redress grievances should one party in the exchange fail to live up to the legal agreement. In the West, McDonald’s could have relied on the courts to enforce its legal contract with the city government. In China, this approach didn’t work. China does not have the same legal infrastructure. Personal power and relationships or connections, rather than the rule of law, have always been the key to getting things done in China. Decades of Communist rule stripped away the basic legal infrastructure that did exist to regulate business transactions. Power, relationships, and connections are an important, and some say necessary, influence on getting things done and enforcing business agreements in China. The key to understanding this process is the concept of guanxi. Guanxi literally means relationships, although in business settings it can be better understood as connections. McDonald’s lost its lease in central Beijing because it lacked the guanxi enjoyed by th e powerful Li Ka-shing. The concept of guanxi is deeply rooted in Chinese culture, particularly the Confucian philosophy of valuing social hierarchy and reciprocal obligations. Confucian ideology has a 2,000-year-old history in China, and more than half a century of Communist rule has done little to dent its influence on everyday life in China. Confucianism stresses the importance of relationships, both within the family and between master and servant. Confucian ideology teaches that people are not created equal. In Confucian thought, loyalty and obligations to one’s superiors (or to family) is regarded as a sacred duty, but at the same time, this loyalty has its price. Social superiors are obligated to reward the loyalty of their social inferiors by bestowing â€Å"blessings†upon them; thus, the obligations are reciprocal. Source:https://highered. mcgraw-hill. com/sites/dl/free/0072973714/214805/Sample_Chapter03. pdf Reference Articles 1. Cross-cultural challen ges when doing business in China by Zhamg Zigang Singapore Management Review January 1 2004 2. Bond M and G Hofstede, 1989. The cash value of Confucian values, Human System Management, 8, pp 195-200. 3. Hofstede G, 1980. Cultures consequences: International differences in work-related values. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage 4. Cultural constraints in management theories. The Academy of Management Executives, 7(1): pp 81-94. 5. Sosik, John and Jung Dong, 2002. Work-group characteristics and performance in collectivistic and individualistic cultures. The Journal of Social Psychology. Washington, pp 5-23. 6. Axtell, Roger E. Gestures. The Do’s and Taboos of Body Language Around the world[M], John Wiley ; Son, 1991. 7. RSM International, Chinese Business Practices and Etiquette Vada Ng, Chinese Business Culture, The Confucius Institute, University Of Western Australia 8. John L. Graham and N. Mark Lam, The Chinese negotiation, Harvard Business Review, October 2003 9. Zhang Zigang, Cross- cultural challenges when doing business in China January 1 2004 10. Huang Jianfei. Cultural differences in Body Language 11. International Business Review 17 (2008) Page no. 141-145
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Sociological Imagination Essay - 703 Words
Tierra Hodge Dr. Ngeo Boon Lin Intro to Sociology October 1, 2014 Sociological Imagination What is sociological imagination? According to C. Wright Mills sociological imagination is the ability to see how individual experiences are connected to the larger society. Sociological perspective enables one to grasp connection to history and biography. History is the background and biography is the individual’s specific experiences. C.Wright Mills came up with the idea that in order for one to understand their personal lives the need to look beyond personal experiences and look at larger political, social, and economic issues of others. â€Å"It is the capacity to range from the most impersonal and remote transformations to the most intimate†¦show more content†¦In the documentary Moore shows viewers how terrorists at a prison in Guantanamo Bay receive free government health care. From the experiences of 9/11 volunteers, I understand that the government appreciates their help towards the tragedy, but not enough to guarantee them health insurance. Another example of sociological imagination in Sicko was a woman name Adrian who had cervical cancer. Adrian was denied insurance for her treatments because health care insurance company said she was too young to be diagnosed with cervical cancer. Adrian eventually goes to Canada to receive medical treatment. Canada’s health care is affordable for their citizens. From Adrian’s treatment I understood the struggles some have to go through in order to receive certain medical treatments. The third example of sociological imagination within the documentary Sicko is that the citizens of France, Canada, and the Great Britain, etc. are expected to live longer than Americans. The average French person lives 3 years longer than an American. British people are also said to be healthier than Americans. In order for the American society to become better, we as Americans need to look at the medical treatment in other countries and see what we take for granted and maybe we could eventually be a better health insured country. Sicko was an eye opener. I actually had a talk with one of my friends that attend New Jersey City University, who majors inShow MoreRelatedSociological Imagination636 Words  | 3 Pagesproblems, family problems or an individual just may not be happy. Although, if this person uses their social imagination it may be a little easier for them to cope with their depression. Looking at their problems in a more general perspective helps them realize they are not alone and these are daily problems everyone faces. Sociologist C. 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Wright Mills defines the sociological imagination as, â€Å"what they need, and what they feel they need, is a quality of mind that will help them to use information and to develop reason in order to achieve lucid summations of what is going on in the world and of what may be happening within themselves†. Mills also says that the sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society. When I read Chapter One: The Promise from C. WrightRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination : C. Wright Mills907 Words  | 4 Pageslimited to their day to day life and personal experiences that are directly related to them, they cannot see the bigger picture. They do not yet know that the sociological imagination can set them free from this trap and as C. Wright Mills said, In many ways it is a terrible lesson; in many ways a magnificent one.. The sociological imagination is truly an incredible thing. Most people go through life indeed feeling trapped by the personal troubles that plague their lives and some never even considerRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination As Described By C. Wright Mills930 Words  | 4 PagesThe sociological imagination as described by C. Wright Mills is â€Å"the ability to understand the intersection between biography and history or interplay of self and the world.†(13) Mills also describes the sociological imagination by saying, â€Å"we have come to know every individual lives, from one generation to the next, in some society; that he lives out a biography, and that he lives out within some historical sequence. By the fact of his living he contributes, however minutely, to the shaping ofRead MoreSociological Imagination Coined By Sociologist C. Wright Mills1138 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout our lives we encounter numerous personal troubles, no matter big ones or trivial ones. H owever, one may seldom relate their problems in a sociological level rather often try to ascribe the blame to their personal wrongs. In this essay I would introduce the topic of sociological imagination coined by sociologist C. Wright Mills, describing how personal matters have all sorts of interwoven relationships with social issues. It is also important to realize that there are distinctions betweenRead MoreSociological Imagination And How Events Affect A Generation s Way Of Thinking1476 Words  | 6 PagesSociological Imagination The sociological imagination is an empathetic approach to understanding an individual by examining their biography (this includes all life experiences and upbringing) as well as the historical events that took place during their lifetime. (Basirico) It was developed by C. Right Mills. Sociological imagination explores how events in history affect a generation s way of thinking. It also takes into perspective the personal biography of an individual that exploits the interworking
Monday, May 18, 2020
Drunk Drivers Essay - 1097 Words
Driving a vehicle is a huge responsibility, and can be dangerous for anyone who is careless on the road. That danger increases as drivers attempt to drive either intoxicated or drunk. Blood alcohol concentration, also known as BAC, is the amount of alcohol in the blood of one’s system, and is used as a measure of degree of intoxication in an individual ( In the United States it is illegal per se, to drive with a BAC of .08 for all drivers who are 21 and older ( As the blood alcohol concentration increases, the risk of car accidents, highway injuries, and vehicular deaths also increase. Drunk drivers should be imprisoned on the first offense, if so many lives will be saved. Having the accused imprisoned on the first†¦show more content†¦That accounted for 32 percent of total traffic fatalities for the year ( Similarly, a lot less people would get hurt. Apparently, one in three people will be involved in an alcohol-related crash in their lifetime ( Every minute, one person is injured from an alcohol-related crash ( Another benefit is that there will also be fewer property damages. Drunk drivers caused over $1.2 billion in property damage in 2002 ( All these statistics will decline as soon as drunk drivers are imprisoned on the first offense. Imprisoning drunk drivers on the first offense will put an end to habitual offenders as well. The accused will not have a second chance to make the same mistake again. Many of the cases of drunk driving are repeat offenders who received warnings, fines, or points on their licenses that drove up their auto insurance rates and other monetary fines but rarely anything that made them stop driving drunk. An average drunk driver has driven drunk 80 times before first arrest ( It is well known that most accidents caused by DUI drivers have driven drunk many previous times before getting into an accident. These people should not get a second chance to drive on the road again and should be immediately put in jail. Another factor is that it will prevent teens and young adult to become future alcoholics. One in fiveShow MoreRelatedDrunk Driver And Drunk Drivers923 Words  | 4 PagesIn 2013, 10,076 people died because of drunk drivers. One every 52 minutes. 290,000 were injured because of the accidents (MADD). In 2012, 3,328 people died because of car crashes due to the fact that drivers were on their phones. 421,000 were injured (Texting and Driving Statistics). Driving is not an easy task so you should always be attentive to what you’re doing. A big difference between both is being sober and being drunk. Someone that’s drunk isn’t fully aware of what’s going on. Someone whoRead MoreDrunk Drivers And Drunk Driving946 Words  | 4 PagesWhile I have never personally been involved in a crash caused by drunk driving, as a firefighter I have approached the aftermath of many. The worst drunk driving accident I have witnessed was a car that had rolled three times. The guy flew out the front window, leaving deep cuts all over his head. Because he was intoxicated, he tried to get up and move around, oblivious to his injuries or pain. He didn’t even realize he had gotten into an accident. As I watched the scene unfold, it made me angryRead MoreDrunk Driving And Drunk Drivers2145 Words  | 9 Pageskilled in drunk driving incidents. Out of those people, 65% (6,515) were drivers, 27% (2,724) were passengers, and 8% (837) were non-passengers (â€Å"Drunk Driving Statistics†). Over half of those fatalities (67.1%) involved blood alcohol levels over .15% (â€Å"Drunk Driving Statistics†). The legal blood-alcohol content is .08%. Drunk dr iving caused 31% of deaths in car crashes in 2013 (â€Å"Drunk Driving Statistics†). In 2012, 402 people were killed by alcohol impairment in North Carolina (â€Å"Drunk Driving Statistics†)Read MoreDrunk Drivers Should Not Be Banned1279 Words  | 6 PagesSince there is a large amount of drunk driving accidents almost every year there are drunk drivers getting away and not having any harsh consequences.Drunk driving has killed over hundreds of citizens due to the mistakes by over intoxicated drivers. States all across the country have lowered the blood alcohol limit to keep drunk drivers off the road from hitting a pedestrian. Some citizens believe that drunk drivers should not be punished more harshly due to be over intoxicated while driving. IfRead MoreEssay about Drunk Drivers Should Be Imprisoned on the First Offense758 Words  | 4 PagesDrunk Drivers Should Be Imprisoned On The First Offense Drunk Drivers accounted for 32% of all traffic fatalities last year, which amounts to someone being killed every 45 minutes by a drunk driver. The penalties for most states is just temporary suspension of driver’s licenses for up to 1 year, and to only pay associated fines accessed by the court. Usually, drunken driving offenders are back on the road driving within a year, and with the assistance of a good attorney with weeks. AlthoughRead MoreDrunk Drivers Should Be Imprisoned in the 1st Offence1086 Words  | 5 PagesDRUNK DRIVERS SHOULD BE IMPIRSONED ON THE FIRST OFFENCE Drunk driving is the criminal offence of driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) level higher than the local legal limit. The blood alcohol content (BAC) drink driving limit in Malaysia is 0.05%. Driving while either intoxicated or drunk is dangerous and drivers with high blood content or concentration (BAC) are at greatly increased risk of car accidents, highway injuries and vehicular deaths. There are a number of possible preventionRead MoreCase Analysis : Cab Aggregators1290 Words  | 6 Pagesbeen incidence of Molestation, rash driving and rape that has shaken the faith of frequent passengers of the aggregators. The Shiv Kumar Yadav case Uber driver Shiv Kumar Yadav was arrested as he allegedly raped a passenger in Gurgaon. The driver fled to Mathura after the incident and turned off his phone and discarded his sim. The convicted driver admits that he baited woman late in the nights near Gurgaon malls and later drives the passenger into a secluded area and assaults the victim. He also keptRead MoreA Day in the Life: The Decision that Changed Everything749 Words  | 3 PagesI was a new driver and I didn’t really know my way around I asked my boyfriend to drive. He said he was too drunk and decided that his friend should drive. This was the mistake I made. About twenty minutes later we were headed down a rural highway. It was dark and so foggy that you can barely see the lines on the road. The driver seemed to be doing alright considering that we were lost. That was until my friend’s boyfriend started being a jerk. Name calling and swearing at the driver for gettingRead MoreTake Home Assignment : Law, Business And Society1307 Words  | 6 Pagesapplication convenient as the fares and the driver details are clearly mentioned. The estimated time of arrival helps to plan ahead of time and the cab reaches at one’s doorstep on the mentioned time. Features like Ola auto and Ola share of Ola, have catered to the needs of the mass market and the cab aggregators now enjoy a significant market share. However, the dark side of this system has slowly come into limelight. Shiv Kumar Yadav, an Uber driver was arrested for allegedly assaulting a womanRead MoreSummary Of All Sound Dies 1728 Words  | 7 Pageswife, Mika is sitting to my right. She’s just begging someone, anyone to spark a conversation. The driver is probably exhausted from yuppie businessmen who insist on a better route and have the indecency to yell their business lingo into their phones. I know that feeling. My publisher is giving me grief for not having any good ideas. I’ve created a town, but not much else. That I’m aware of. The driver looks a tad too young for this job. His hair is dark, his skin is tanned, and judging by a several
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Georgia State University Acceptance Rate, SAT/ACT Scores, GPA
Georgia State University is a public research university with an acceptance rate of 71%. Located on an urban campus in Atlanta, Georgia, GSU is part of the University System of Georgia. Undergraduate students can choose from over 100 fields of study with business and the social sciences among the most popular. In athletics, the Georgia State University Panthers compete in the NCAA Division I Sun Belt Conference. Considering applying to Georgia State University? Here are the admissions statistics you should know, including average SAT/ACT scores and GPAs of admitted students. Acceptance Rate During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, Georgia State University had an acceptance rate of 71%. This means that for every 100 students who applied, 71 students were admitted, making GSUs admissions process somewhat competitive. Admissions Statistics (2017-18) Number of Applicants 16,348 Percent Admitted 71% Percent Admitted Who Enrolled (Yield) 43% SAT Scores and Requirements Georgia State University requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 81% of admitted students submitted SAT scores. SAT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile ERW 540 630 Math 520 620 ERW=Evidence-Based Reading and Writing This admissions data tells us that most of Georgia States admitted students fall within the top 35% nationally on the SAT. For the evidence-based reading and writing section, 50% of students admitted to GSU scored between 540 and 630, while 25% scored below 540 and 25% scored above 630. On the math section, 50% of admitted students scored between 520 and 620, while 25% scored below 520 and 25% scored above 620. Applicants with a composite SAT score of 1250 or higher will have particularly competitive chances at Georgia State University. Requirements Georgia State requires the SAT writing section. Note that GSU does not superscore SAT results; your highest composite SAT score will be considered. ACT Scores and Requirements Georgia State requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 40% of admitted students submitted ACT scores. ACT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile English 20 26 Math 19 26 Composite 21 26 This admissions data tells us that most of GSUs admitted students fall within the top 42% nationally on the ACT. The middle 50% of students admitted to Georgia State received a composite ACT score between 21 and 26, while 25% scored above 26 and 25% score below 21. Requirements Note that Georgia State University does not superscore ACT results; your highest composite ACT score will be considered. Georgia State requires the ACT writing section. GPA In 2019, the middle 50% of Georgia State Universitys incoming class had high school GPAs between 3.3 and 3.8. 25% had a GPA above 3.8, and 25% had a GPA below 3.3. These results suggest that most successful applicants to Georgia State University have primarily A and B grades. Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph Georgia State University Applicants Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph. Data courtesy of Cappex. The admissions data in the graph is self-reported by applicants to Georgia State University. GPAs are unweighted. Find out how you compare to accepted students, see the real-time graph, and calculate your chances of getting in with a free Cappex account. Admissions Chances Georgia State University is a somewhat selective public university where fewer than three-quarters of applicants are accepted. Admissions are based primarily on your GPA in GSUs required high school curriculum and your SAT or ACT scores. The admissions office will be looking for high grades in a rigorous course schedule that includes four years of English, math, and natural science; three years of social science; and two years of the same foreign language. Students may submit an optional letter of recommendation to strengthen their GSU application. In the graph above, the blue and green dots represent accepted students. The majority of admitted students had high school GPAs of 3.0 or higher, SAT scores (ERWM) of 950 or higher, and ACT composite scores of 18 or better. Georgia State calculates GPA using core college preparatory courses in English, math, science, social science, and foreign language. If You Like Georgia State, You May Also Like These Schools Spelman CollegeEmory UniversityFlorida State UniversityHoward UniversityUniversity of MiamiAuburn University All admissions data has been sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics and Georgia State University Undergraduate Admissions Office.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Business Law Grocery Paper - 2000 Words
Grocery, Inc. Located in Any State, U.S.A Grocery, Inc. is a retail grocery store with locations all over the United States of America (U.S.A.). Tom Green and Jeff fresh work for the store located in My Town, U.S.A. Tom is the produce manager and Jeff, 17 years old, is working for Tom in the produce department. The first scenario is the contract between Grocery, Inc. and Masterpiece Construction for the renovation of the store located on Main Street in My Town, U.S.A. The second scenario is an underage contract between Jeff and Smooth Sales Used Cars. The third scenario is a breach of contract and/or promissory estopple between Tom Green and Harry. The fourth scenario is regarding an e-commerce contract between George and Grocery, Inc.†¦show more content†¦Attorney John Roska’s column in Saint Louis Post-dispatch answers questions to a similar situation, the article states that a minor can cancel a contract at anytime for any reason as long as the minor informs the ot her party about canceling the contract and returns the car. After the minor returns the car, the other party must return the money received for the car since the car has been returned (Roska, 2007). Smooth could sue Jeff Fresh for fraud because Jeff did not inform Smooth of his age though it would not make it far in the courts due to a minor does not have a full understanding of contracts which is why the contract would be unenforceable. Smooth may be fined for not taking the necessary steps in checking age and not gaining the permission of the minor’s parents, or placing the contract in the parents’ names. Some legal and equitable remedies that may be used are compensatory damages, liquidated damages, and special performance. Compensatory damages are when the party whom the breach happened to gets compensated for the remainder of the contract as if the contract would have played out though the contract was never enforceable due to Jeff being a minor. If Smooth had written action which may happen if the contract was breached is considered liquated damages, Smooth may try to get Jeff’s parents to pay the remainder of the balance. Special performance means the person whomShow MoreRelatedSwot Analysis Of Woolworths And Coles Essay1270 Words  | 6 PagesHI5003S_T3_2016 - ECONOMICS FOR BUSINESS (HI5003S_T3_2016) Individual Assignment Self Check Link Shyam Rasiklal PATEL on Wed, Nov 23 2016, 9:21 PM 67% highest match Submission ID: e73a5c84-e084-428d-bdb8-c93beafd0672 †¢ Supermarket duopoly Final.docx Word Count: 1,208 Attachment ID: 144300849 67% Citations (6/6) 1. 1Another student s paper 2. 2Another student s paper 3. 3ProQuest Document 4. 4Another student s paper 5. 5Another student s paper 6. 6Another student s paper Supermarket duopoly andRead MoreFundamentals Of Macroeconomics Paper On Macroeconomics1272 Words  | 6 Pages Fundamentals of Macroeconomics Paper Macroeconomics is a study in which reflects the economy as a whole and the levels of total output, which is also referred to as national income. National income measures the value of an output produced in an economy over a period of time. 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